Building your first ad campaign?
Start here by watching these two videos to know everything you need to get going
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The Three Things You Need to Make Your Audio Ad
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App Walkthrough
Resource Center
Here you can find resources to help you get started with Decibel.

Scripted Templates
There’s no reason to reinvent the fanny pak when it comes to writing ad copy for your business or service. We have hundreds of effective scripted templates for you to copy off of & plug-n-play with. Find the one that works for you, and be done in minutes.

Example Ads Library
There’s no reason to reinvent the fanny pak when it comes to writing ad copy for your business or service. We have hundreds of effective scripted templates for you to copy off of & plug-n-play with. Find the one that works for you, and be done in minutes.

Meet Our AI Voices
No Voice Actor, no problem. We have AI Voices that sound, surprisingly, human. Give them a listen now.

Campaign Planning
The Decibel Campaign Planning Tool can help you understand how many impressions your campaign will get as well as give suggested budgets to effectively reach your audience. Go ahead and give it a try now.
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Looking to take off the training wheels, leave those scripted templates behind, and write your audio ads from scratch?
Sign up for our copywriting video series, where we walk you through the 101 of copywriting & give you tips to build your own audio ads.